Monday, March 19, 2012

Speaking of radical insurgencies, Session Beer Day is Saturday, April 7.

David Pierce brought this to my attention this evening, and I can't think of a craft beer concept that appeals to me more at the present time. Props as always go to writer Lew Bryson, who has been pushing this session consciousness notion for a while now. NABC will take part in this exercise, and our Extraordinary (Ordinary Bitter) will be ready for drinking by the 7th, but you'll need to give us a few days to come up with details.  

Session Beer Day, April 7!

I suggested to the members of the small (but rapidly growing) Session Beer Project page on Facebook that we should make April 5th (4.5) or April 7th (Little Repeal Day, when 4.0% ABV beer became legal before repeal of the 18th Amendment) our day, Session Beer Day. We could ask for session beers at our favorite bars, and brewpubs, and suchlike, invite people to try them, gin up plenty of social media whoopee, and all dat. 

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