Thursday, January 14, 2010

Steve Coomes now blogging at, and that's good.

Damn. First Rick Redding moved, and now Steve Coomes. Now I have to update my Mojo password and get back in the habit of checking in there.

I wanted everyone to know that as of today, I’m will be blogging regularly for’s dining pages, a move that necessitated my departure from my role as The Courier-Journal’s Dish columnist after nearly two years.

If you're interested in local food and drink, you'll need to read what Steve will be writing at Mojo -- simple as that.

In fact, in his very first Mojo blog, Steve states open disagreement (not personally, in general terms) with the Curmudgeon's oft-repeated, anti-chain worldview. How's that for branding ... and I'll keep reading, anyway.

Seriously: Good luck to Steve.

Readers, adjust your bookmarks.


Keith Ringer said...

Roger, thanks for the mention. We're obviously pleased to have Steve joining us here at Louisville Mojo. He brings great perspective to Louisville's favorite form of recreation: great food and drink.

Best regards,
Keith Ringer

Mojo Chuck said...

Roger, thanks for the good word! We're really excited to have Steve aboard.

Now, what are the odds of an Upside Down pizza kiosk in Mellwood? I'm pretty sure that the Mojo crew alone could keep it in business over here. ;-)

- Chuck