Sunday, March 24, 2013

If this archival film clip of Schlenkerla doesn't make you thirsty, you may be dead.

Tim "Starlight Distribution" Eads mailed this link, as posted at Schlenkerla's Facebook site some time back. I'm sorry I missed it. 

The black and white film clip was shot in 1963, and is entirely in German, but this doesn't matter at all. It's entirely comprehensible. More recent visitors to Bamberg can attest to how little has changed in the physical sense of the historic pub's interiors and conventional tourist views in a finely preserved old town, and yet, 50 years is a very long time. How many of Bamberg's breweries shown in montage have survived? 

In 1963, it was less than 20 years since war's end, and Matthias, today's standard bearer for the Trum family, hadn't been born.

Elegiac times two. I want to go back. When?

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