Friday, February 14, 2014

From Dec. 15, 2011: "Of Beer and the Pissoir."

I'm in reruns for a few days, posting past columns of note.

The winter of 2013-2014 has been one of the coldest ones we've had for a long while in Southern Indiana. There's been ice, snow and temperatures scaping zero.

My reaction? Well, piss on it.

Of Beer and the Pissoir

It may have been Archie Bunker who observed, “You don’t buy beer, you rent it,” and your humble columnist has gleaned a fair amount of experience in such matters in his career as professional beer drinker, especially when imbibing in Europe. Many aspects of the continent’s beer and brewing cultures have changed since 1985, but none more so than a steady escalation in cleanliness and comfort of the facilities at a typical watering hole.

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