From Tom Person, Vice President of Louisville Area Grain and Extract Research Society (LAGERS). Regrettably for me, the judging always takes place the same weekend as Great Taste of the Midwest.
Fellow BJCP judges and appreciators of fine homebrew:
The Kentucky State Fair Homebrew competition is coming up soon. It will be held Sunday, August 14th ... starting at 10:00 a.m. sharp. We are anticipating up to 500 entries this year, so your exhaustive beer knowledge and superb sensory and judging skills are sorely needed and will be greatly appreciated. Judge registration will be from 9:00 a.m. to 9:45 a.m., with a light breakfast available (so come early!)
We are planning on two judging sessions: an a.m. session (10:00 – 12:00), and a p.m. session (1:00 – 3:00) ... with a lunch provided between sessions. The p.m. session will be followed by a Best of Show judging, and after wards we are planning an awards ceremony to announce the winners.
Use the link below to register to be a judge or steward at this competition:
Here are the steps once you get to this site:
1. Under the Judge and Steward section ... If it is your first time to this site, then click on the “please register” link. Note: If you have already entered beers with the 2011 Kentucky State Fair competition this year, then you already have an ID. Just click the “log in” link.
2. The first page is where you create your account with an e-mail address, a password for this site, and a security question.
3. Second page is where you put in your name, address, etc.
4. Third page is where you put in your judge info ... BJCP number, rank, beer preferences and dislikes, etc. Under the beer preferences and dislikes, just select any one of the sub-categories that you like or dislike. We will consider your choice to be for all beers in that class. Example: I want to judge Stouts, so I check 13A – Dry Stout. (you don’t have to check all 6 stout categories)
When you have completed your judge registration, there will be a summary page, and you will also see a link to print your Judge Waiver sheet. Please use this link to view and print your judge registration sheet, sign and date it, and then bring it with you to the competition. (If you don’t print it at home, don’t worry ... you’ll just have to sit there the morning of the competition, blurry-eyed, and fill out one of these forms while every one else is drinking coffee and eating donuts!)
Thank you for your help in judging the 2011 Kentucky State Fair Homebrew Competition.
Fellow BJCP judges and appreciators of fine homebrew:
The Kentucky State Fair Homebrew competition is coming up soon. It will be held Sunday, August 14th ... starting at 10:00 a.m. sharp. We are anticipating up to 500 entries this year, so your exhaustive beer knowledge and superb sensory and judging skills are sorely needed and will be greatly appreciated. Judge registration will be from 9:00 a.m. to 9:45 a.m., with a light breakfast available (so come early!)
We are planning on two judging sessions: an a.m. session (10:00 – 12:00), and a p.m. session (1:00 – 3:00) ... with a lunch provided between sessions. The p.m. session will be followed by a Best of Show judging, and after wards we are planning an awards ceremony to announce the winners.
Use the link below to register to be a judge or steward at this competition:
Here are the steps once you get to this site:
1. Under the Judge and Steward section ... If it is your first time to this site, then click on the “please register” link. Note: If you have already entered beers with the 2011 Kentucky State Fair competition this year, then you already have an ID. Just click the “log in” link.
2. The first page is where you create your account with an e-mail address, a password for this site, and a security question.
3. Second page is where you put in your name, address, etc.
4. Third page is where you put in your judge info ... BJCP number, rank, beer preferences and dislikes, etc. Under the beer preferences and dislikes, just select any one of the sub-categories that you like or dislike. We will consider your choice to be for all beers in that class. Example: I want to judge Stouts, so I check 13A – Dry Stout. (you don’t have to check all 6 stout categories)
When you have completed your judge registration, there will be a summary page, and you will also see a link to print your Judge Waiver sheet. Please use this link to view and print your judge registration sheet, sign and date it, and then bring it with you to the competition. (If you don’t print it at home, don’t worry ... you’ll just have to sit there the morning of the competition, blurry-eyed, and fill out one of these forms while every one else is drinking coffee and eating donuts!)
Thank you for your help in judging the 2011 Kentucky State Fair Homebrew Competition.
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