Friday, October 05, 2012

2012 Live@5 recap and a worthy cause.

When the incoming administration of Mayor Jeff Gahan conceived of the Live@5 concert series, NABC agreed to obtain the necessary state permits and to vend craft beer at these Friday afternoon events. Other vendors, including Irish Exit, Wick's and River City Winery, participated at various times, offering a diversity of potables and involving others within the community.

There are as many points of view as attendees, but overall, the idea was a good one, perhaps in need of tweaking ... as are most first-time events.

From the start, it was my intention to devote a percentage of our beer sale proceeds to a worthy local cause: The soup kitchen at St. Mark's United Church of Christ, which is located just across Spring Street from Bank Street Brewhouse.

Accordingly, I'm pleased to divulge that the total, rounded up, came to $400, which I delivered to Pastor Manzo earlier in the week. Perhaps this will suffice for a week or two; it's a big undertaking, indeed, and one meriting your attention. Thanks to all Live@5 organizers and attendees, and to the NABC staff.

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