Thursday, December 27, 2007

Grrr ... part two.

The repairman arrived during early afternoon on Wednesday, examined the patient, and pronounced the Rich O’s walk-in compressor as dead as Generalissimo Francisco Franco. Both Franco and the compressor remain dead today, but while the former is gone forever, the latter will be replaced this morning, and with luck, the walk-in will be cool again this evening.

I posted the following last night:


Notice, 12/26/07

R.I.P. — Rich O’s walk-in compressor (1999-2007)

The compressor that powers the Rich O’s walk-in sadly expired over the Christmas break. It cannot be repaired until the morning of Thursday, December 27.

Consequently, most of the bottled beers we stock are cool, not cold, as are twelve of the taps, which are indicated by a post-it note * on the blackboards.

For some of you, temperature isn’t so much of an issue, but for the remainder, please be advised of the options. This issue does not affect NABC house beers and a few others. We trust that all will return to normal by Thursday afternoon.

Whatever “normal” is.


Truly, for some it didn’t matter; the kegs were at cellar temperature or perhaps a shade warmer. The fact remains that in recent years, for whatever reason, a majority of customers – geek and tourist alike -- continue to demand ever colder beer. It’s simply more expedient to the greatest number to let the cold beer get warm than the other way around.

Although disabling a whole walk-in still strikes me as extreme.

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