The simple pleasures of beering locally. I'm older now, and simple beer pleasures are the most meaningful to me. They tend to be encountered locally. It is my aim to get unplugged and explore some of them, slowly and thoughtfully. I'd tell you where it's leading, except that I've no idea ... and that's the whole point of the journey: To find out.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Pizzeria and pub door art.
Local sign painter Mike McKinley created these transfers for the entry doors to Sportstime Pizza and Rich O’s Public House.
Over time – as reflected by the wording on the doorways – it is our intention to redirect the identity of the company toward New Albanian Brewing Company, with an on-site pizzeria and pub, even if we have no desire to completely retire the “Sportstime” and “Rich O’s” identities.
That re-branding will be a very long time in coming, so feel free to call us whatever you wish, for as long as you wish.
The 20th anniversary of Sportstime Pizza will be in the summer of 2007, which also will mark my 15th year as a part of the business.
Good beer needs good signs. Mike really did a nice job.